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Welcome Being a Woman!

Kristin Miller, PhD, Psychologist, DCEP

Updated: Mar 30, 2023

Let's Welcome and Celebrate Our Womanhood!

As a longtime female volunteer and trainer for FREA, I wanted to write a personal blog to say "Thank You" to all the amazing women that we serve through our FREA outreach.

It's important to know that our team all have known abuse to their beings, family members, and communities. All of our FREA team members also know that you can heal and enjoy being a woman!!!!

So, here is a short video that I made for you to welcome you home and honor all the women in your life.

This video is available on YouTube at

I also wanted to take a moment to introduce you to our amazing female team at FREA. If you've visited FREA's blog you likely saw posts from our male team. They write amazing blogs, keep our website going, and share great protective information with you.

But you may not know the great compassion and gratitude that our female team members hold you all in.

FREA's Female Team

Robin Trainer, our founder, shines with the most amazing grandmother love as she creates a space you can all come to heal from abuse with the comforting skills of Energy Psychology. Robin is a psychotherapist who has treated abuse and trauma for over thirty years.

Holly Timberlake, Ph.D. writes us into clarity and finds the most interesting ways to move us around the societal barriers that keep us locked into abuse paradigms, making it possible to celebrate the goodness of being a woman.

Angela Clark brings us right into the center of human trafficking and helps us find our ways out.

And then there is me, Kristin Miller, Ph.D., I help find that amazing woman that you are and dust off all the impact of abuse and negative energy associated with being a woman.

Our Commitment to You

We are all committed to bringing you skills and information so that you can find Freedom, Recovery, and Empowerment from Abuse. You can do it!!!!!

We welcome your femininity and womanhood back into the world. We all need this light and love.

Thank you for being with us and having the courage to release abuse and center yourself in the great woman that you are.

Kristin Miller, PhD, Psychologist, DCEP, Trauma Specialist, and FREA Trainer

Redding, CA


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