As countries worldwide including the U.S. begin taking tentative steps to resume economic activities, millions of people remain unemployed or otherwise have limited opportunities to leave stressful home environments. This "too much togetherness" has resulted in a sharp rise of domestic / intimate partner abuse according to experts.
How the YWCA May Be Able to Help
If you or a loved one is dealing with intimate partner abuse, one organization you may not have thought of when looking for help is the YWCA.
The YWCA, short for the Young Women's Christian Association, reports it is the largest network of domestic and sexual violence services provider in the United States. Despite the word Christian in the organization's name, the YWCA offers help to every person regardless of their religious beliefs.
According to their website, abuse services include:
Housing: Secure emergency, transitional, and longterm shelters are offered in a number of areas throughout the U.S.;
Crisis Hotlines;
Supervised visitation and safe child exchange services;
Medical and legal advocacy;
Jobs / work skills training;
Case management / referral;
Community and prevention education; and,
Family Justice Centers.
The YWCA is an international organization. Services availability will vary depending on your country and - in the United States - your state and community.
How the YWCA Helps Domestic and Sexual Abuse Survivors Video
The video below highlights resources and services summarized on YWCA's main website.
You'll find links to the main YWCA website, the search page link to find your local YWCA and related partner organizations, and other intimate partner / domestic and sexual abuse helping resources following the video.
Intimate Partner / Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helping Resources:
The U.S. National YWCA website: https://www.YWCA.org;
How to find a local YWCA: https://secure2.convio.net/ywca/site/SPageServer?pagename=YWCA_Map
Police in the United States: 911; Note: Check your local police department to ensure they are using the 911 emergency call system. If you’re outside the U.S. check for your local emergency number and have it available.
National Domestic Abuse Hotline: https://www.thehotline.org/ - Toll free number: 1-800-799-7233; TTY: 1-800-787-3224.
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence: https://www.nrcdv.org/
Finding Recovery and Empowerment From Abuse, FREA. Website: https://www.FREA.support
Stephen Carter is a former Chief of Police, Corporate Security Director and safely leader for one of the world's largest financial services company. He is now the CEO of Stress Solutions, LLC, a company dedicated to helping people enhance physical and emotional wellbeing through stress mastery using mind-body methods. He hosts the, "Safe Living Today", "Mind Over Stress", and "EFT Tapping Junction" podcasts. He can be reached at SafeLivingToday@gmail.com