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Celebrating International Women's Day and Women's History Month

Stephen Carter

Updated: Mar 30, 2021

FREA is proud to join the world wide celebration of International Women's Day on March 8, and Women's History Month throughout March in the United States.

In this FREA created video, you'll discover two web resources to learn about International Women's Day and how to celebrate with others around the world. You'll also discover the resource dedicated to honoring the rich history of women in the United States.

Please join FREA in honoring and celebrating the many achievements of women around the globe and in in the U.S.

Resource Websites Highlighted in the Video:

United Nations International Women's Day Site:

International Women's Day non-U.N. website:

Women's History Month Celebration:

Other Resources:

United Nations International Women's Day 2019:

International Women's Day Facebook Site:

Stephen Carter

Stress Solutions, LLC | | Email:

Stephen Carter is a former Chief of Police, Corporate Security Director and safely leader for one of the world's largest financial services companies. He is now the CEO of Stress Solutions, LLC, a company dedicated to helping people enhance physical and emotional wellbeing through stress mastery using mind-body methods. He is the host of the, "Safe Living Today" and "Mind Over Stress" podcasts.

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