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Take a Connection Break With Yourself!

Kristin Miller, PhD, Psychologist

Are you all wrapped up in the stress of your life, trying to defend yourself at every move, and feeling attacked and unsafe? Find a safe place and take a connection break. This helps your system calm down, promotes relaxation, and helps with sleep.

People that live with daily abuse almost never give themselves a time to rest and reset. Let’s try the Cook’s Hook Up together. For Video click here video


1. Place left ankle over the right ankle;

2. Simple pose put the right hand on center of chest and the left hand on top and proceed to step 6;

To do the full Hook Up, do steps number 1 and 2 and then...

3. Put both hands in front of you, back to back;

4. Cross the right and over top of the left, interlacing fingers;

5. Fold clasped hands inward to rest on the chest;

6. Place your tongue on the roof of the mouth on the in breath, then place it on the floor of the mouth with a long out breath;

7. Focus on your breathing until you feel calm (2 to 15 minutes);

Here is the video demonstration:

For more self-care techniques, click on the "Survivors" tab on our FREA website,

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