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FREA Finding Recovery & Empowerment from

Why use Energy Techniques for Healing from sexual abuse trauma? part 3 of 3

Why use energy therapies??? Readers might ask “Why consider using an alternative, “unproven” technique like EFT or other energy therapies? Why not stay with traditional, mainstream therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy or exposure therapy, which have been proven and are “evidence-based?” We have a looooong(!) list of compelling reasons and notes from professionals that use energy therapies every day.

Numerous therapists, psychologists and practitioners have begun using energy therapies and also EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) along with, or in place of, traditional ‘talk’ therapies. When asked the question above, the reasons they cite most often include the following:

  • Simplicity: Energy techniques are simple and easy to use.

  • Efficacy: Energy methods are highly effective. Clinical experience with a wide variety of clients show that they are efficacious in treating PTS and many forms of trauma and abuse.

  • Talking isn’t necessary: a survivor can merely THINK of the memory, while tapping to find relief.

  • Speed: these methods can work much faster than traditional talk therapies.

  • Less pain: some forms of exposure therapy require you to re-view abusive and painful memories, over and over and over again. EP methods rapidly defuse the emotional charge on painful memories and experiences, and are much less painful than other methods.

  • Depth: EP methods are forms of depth psychotherapy. They work on the emotional and energetic levels, which can heal more deeply than the cognitive (thinking) level.

  • Safety: These methods have been found to be very safe, with few or no complications or side effects.

  • Self-care: These techniques can be done by survivors and their families at home, in the safety of their bathrooms or offices, etc.

  • Self-empowerment: EP techniques can be done by survivors, and thus empower folks to heal themselves.

  • Long-lasting: the relief and changes people experience with energy methods are often durable and permanent.

Comments from therapists:

“Using EP techniques has increased the speed of my clients’ recovery by approximately 300%.”

“EP methods are my clients’ coping methods of choice. Xanax takes about 45 minutes to provide relief. My clients now can get almost immediate relief from a few minutes of tapping, without the side effects. Also, the next time they think about the same issue, it doesn’t have the same impact it had before….”

“Survivors can finally let go of the memory of the abuse in their bodies….. This has a ripple effect on their mental and even physical health, when they’re no longer in a constant state of hyper-arousal……”

“I did not see the kinds of rapid shifts and changes I see now, until I began using energy therapies.”

It is for these reasons that for a growing number of therapists and practitioners, energy techniques have become the “treatments of choice” when treating survivors of abuse and assault.

Disclaimer: This article represents the consensus opinion of FREA members. Please note that there is no single approach which works best for every person. Individual results will vary, depending on many factors such as rapport,, therapists’ training and expertise, client readiness, severity of abuse, etc. It is our intention to communicate our experience and a sense of Hope that 1) you are not alone; 2) alternative and effective techniques are available; 3) there are self-help techniques survivors can do to reduce their stress and discomfort; and 4) ultimately, each of us is responsible for our own recovery.

This is part three of a three part series. Read this article in full on our web site, including citations and references.

If you have been raped, assaulted, or abused recently, please get help immediately. Please share today's message - help us get the word out that healing from abuse is possible! #metoo, #saam, #metoorecovery, #metoohope, #metoohealing

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