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Emotional First Aid Series: Trauma Tapping Technique

FREA Finding Recovery & Empowerment from Abuse

Updated Post: This resource post was originally shared in April 2018. It's part of the "Emotional First Aid" series. With April being Stress Awareness Month, it's a perfect time to share this simple, effective stress relief technique.


Today's Self-Care Technique is The Trauma Tapping Technique. Join in with the video below to practice this technique. FREA has created a handout that can be downloaded here: PDF-The Trauma Tapping Technique.

We believe recovery must include self-empowerment tools. We believe that the more you are supported in self-care awareness and techniques, the more you will move from victim to survivor, and someone that thrives.

Being self-resourced is an important aspect of healing. We all need the support of people, however, having the ability to neutralize a stress response is vital to our well-being.

We believe in your strength and ability to heal. Many of us at FREA are #metoo survivors and we know you can heal from the pain of sexual abuse. When you are looking for inspiration and hope in your recovery, remember that FREA is here to support you with oodles of free resources. Please share today's message - help us get the word out that healing from abuse is possible! #metoo, #saam, #metoorecovery, #metoohope, #metoohealing If you have recently experienced assault, abuse, or rape, please get help immediately.

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