Practitioners' Directory
Below you will find a list of practitioners who treat sexual assault and abuse using energy techniques (Energy Psychology). Most of them offer sessions by phone and skype, as well as in person. Please take responsibility for doing your own due diligence, and finding a practitioner who will work best for you.

"... sharing tools for the healing journey ..."

Directory of Practitioners
"... sharing tools for the healing journey ..."
Katrina Anderson, Ph. D., LMHC
New York, NY
Dr. Anderson maintains a private practice in New York City that specializes in the use of mind-body interventions in the treatment of trauma related conditions. Dr. Anderson also completed the Integrated trauma training program at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy where she currently serves as faculty. She is trained in a variety of clinical interventions such as; Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Somatic Experiencing, Internal family Systems, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Energy Psychology, Hypnosis, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Mind-Body medicine.
Office Address: 411 Lafayette st. Suite 614, New York, NY 10003
Office Phone: 646-276-5764
Nora J. Baladerian, Ph.D.
Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Baladerian is in private practice in West Los Angeles, and Director of the Counseling Center of West Los Angeles. She specializes in trauma treatment (violence/abuse/loss of any kind, accidents, verbal/emotional abuse, sexual assault), as well as depression and anxiety. She specializes in working with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. She led trauma teams into New Orleans post-Katrina (with the TFT Trauma Committee), and responds to local tragedies. She is fluent in Spanish. She has been in practice since 1985 and uses Thought Field Therapy and other energy psychology methods in her practice.
office phone: 310 473 6768
FAX 310 754 2388
Daniel Benor, MD
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Daniel Benor, MD, ABIHM, is a wholistic psychotherapist in Guelph, Canada who teaches self-healing for psychological and physical pain and trauma release, using WHEE: Wholistic Hybrid derived from EMDR and EFT, aka TWR: Transformative Wholistic Reintegration. TWR/WHEE addresses body, emotions, mind, relationships and spirit. TWR/WHEE is easy to learn and use, yet rapidly and deeply effective. It can be used discretely in public so that no one knows you are de-stressing. The flexibility and ease of use of TWR/WHEE is particularly helpful for people who have serious stress or trauma, as they can de-stress at any time and in any place they find themselves. Dr. Benor is available worldwide for treatment by phone or Skype, guiding people in their self-healing processes. See the TWR app site for .pdf downloads of the method, as applicable to various problems.
Phone: US 609-714-1885 Canada 519-265-0698
More at, and
Mark Bottinick, LCSW-C
Silver Spring, MD
Mark Bottinick is a licensed social worker in Silver Spring, MD. He has been treating survivors of sexual abuse and trauma using EP methods for the past 20 years.
8720 Georgia Ave, Ste. 808
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Robert L. Bray, PhD
San Diego, CA
Need help healing your marriage? Have a child that’s making poor choices? Struggling with depression, anxiety, sexual abuse or anger management? Specializing in Thought Field Therapy for abuse and trauma.
5959 Mission Gorge Road. Ste. 106
San Diego, CA 92120
David Bryant, PhD
Brockton, NY
My practice: 90% Skype/Zoom with clients who have PTS symptoms involving previous sexual injury. Participant / coordinator of the Veteran's Stress Project replication study through Dawson Church's EFTUniverse initiative 2015-16.
5212 Ellicott Road, Brocton, NY, USA
Mary Ann Doyle, MA
Phoenix, Arizona
Mary Ann Doyle treats a broad range of issues including verbal, emotional and sexual abuse, abandonment and neglect, and alcohol and drug addictions, using Thought Field Therapy (TFT) and other energy techniques. She is available for consultations in Phoenix or long-distance by phone.
Kimberly Flemke, PhD
Philadelphia, PA
Kimberly Flemke, Ph.D., LMFT, is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in private practice with over 20 years of clinical experience, as well as a Karuna-trained Reiki Master. She specializes in trauma treatment, along with Couple Therapy and Sex Therapy. She previously worked as faculty in the Department of Couple & Family Therapy at Drexel University. While there she also served as the “Trauma Specialist” at Drexel’s 11th Street Community Health Center, introducing a variety of Energy Psychology modalities, along with traditional therapy. Dr. Flemke’s primary area of research explores how unresolved childhood trauma impacts women’s rage as adults, with findings presented nationally, as well as published in numerous academic journals. She currently integrates EFT and EMDR widely into her therapy practice.
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Alina Frank, EFT Coach and Trainer
Seattle and Whidbey Island, WA
I specialize in treating people suffering from childhood abuse, victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence.
Philippe Isler, MA Licensed Psychologist
Nova Scotia, Canada
phone: (902) 690-7540
Lynn Mary Karjala, Ph.D., DCEP Psychologist
Roswell, GA
My practice covers a broad spectrum of issues, including anxiety, depression, trauma, dissociative disorders and sexual abuse.
11205 Alpharetta Highway, Suite A-4
Roswell, GA 30076
770-754-0751 :telephone
770-754-0752 :fax
Rachel Michaelsen, LCSW
Oakland, California
Rachel Michaelsen is a licensed clinical social worker in private practice in Berkeley, California. For over 25 years Rachel has worked with adults who have survived a variety of traumatic experiences including sexual, verbal and physical abuse, assault and natural disaster. She is also experienced in working with individuals who want to stop using substances, address relationship challenges or experience depression or anxiety. Rachel facilitates energy psychology work with clients using Emotional Freedom Techniques, Tapas Acupressure Technique, Advanced Integrative Therapy, Psych-K and other energy healing methods.
office phone: 510-869-7121
Kristin Miller, Ph.D., DCEP, Psychologist
Redding, CA
Dr. Kristin Miller is a licensed psychologist with Diplomat in Comprehensive Energy Psychology in private practice in Redding, California. She has been a psychologist for over thirty years and offers energy psychotherapy and counseling to adults and adolescents dealing with developmental and inter generational trauma, chronic pain, health issues, depression, anxiety, adjustment issues, and other mental health issues with the focus on helping all to build connected and joyful lives. She is part of the ACEP and FREA Humanitarian Teams to bring trauma relief to the world.
Redding, CA
Melinda Moats, M.Ed, LMHC, DCEP
Everett, WA
In my practice I specialize in treatment of sexual abuse for women and children using TFT, EFT, TAT, HAT and Eden Energy Medicine.
Nancy A. Morris, EFT-CC, EFT-ADV, EFT Cert-1, EFT Int. Practitioner-1, CMRP; Certified EFT Practitioner and Certified Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
Nancy is in private practice in Northern California and works with clients worldwide via telephone. She specializes in sexuality using EFT and Matrix Reimprinting to clear the trauma from childhood molestation/sexual abuse as well as adult sexual trauma. This work often allows clients to experience more ease and pleasure during sexual activity, improves libido and sexual response. Clients report an easing of inhibitions and improved ability to communicate about sex. Nancy has been a counselor for 23 years beginning as a Grief Counselor and later training with Gary Craig, founder of EFT, receiving several levels of certification in EFT and Matrix Reimprinting. She began serious study in the field of sexuality in 1989 and enjoys helping people increase their enjoyment of sensuality no matter what seems to be in their way.
Office Phone: 530-446-6133
Gregory J. Nicosia, Ph.D., DCEP, Psychologist
Pittsburgh, PA
Diplomate, American Board of Psychological Specialties: Neuropsychology #7220
Diplomate and Consultant, Comprehensive Energy Psychology
Certified Substance Abuse Professional
Certified EMDR Therapist and Consultant
Past President, Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology
Dr. Nicosia is the founder of Advanced Diagnostics, Pittsburgh's premiere center for Energy Psychology based psychotherapeutic treatment of trauma and cognitive dysfunction. .Dr, Nicosia utilizes EMDR and Energy Psychology methods in the treatment of trauma resulting from accidents (motor vehicle,on-the-job), abuse and assault (emotional, physical, sexual). He has helped to research, explore and elaborate the newest psychotherapies in the last 30 years including EEG-biofeedback and behavioral medicine, EMDR, and Energy Psychology for which he was nominated as Pittsburgh Man of the Year in Science and Medicine in 1997.
Adriana Popescu, PhD
San Francisco, CA
Adriana Popescu, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist and transformational life coach with over 20 years experience in the mental health field. She is a certified hypnotherapist, Access Consciousness® Facilitator, and NeuroEmotional Technique (NET) Practitioner, having discovered that Energy Psychology provides incredibly powerful tools to identify and eliminate the deep-rooted causes of suffering and distress. She specializes in treating addictions, trauma, and co-occurring disorders and is currently the Clinical Director at Avery Lane, a women’s dual diagnosis treatment program in Novato, CA. She also has a private practice in San Francisco, working with people in person and over the phone/video. She travels around the world speaking and facilitating classes.
3020 Fillmore St.
San Francisco, CA 94123
(415) 975-1145
Juli Steinocher, LMHC
St Petersburg, FL
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Health Coach, Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner.
Juli Steinocher is in private practice in St Petersburg FL, and Director of Mindbodylab - a center offering a unique and integrative approach to total wellness for both physical and mental health. She specializes in trauma treatment (sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse, accidents) as well as anxiety and depression. She created the "Subconscious System Approach" for dissolving the negative impacts of trauma, emotional baggage and daily stress and is the author of the self-help guide “First Aid for Stress.” Juli is one of the founding members of FREA (Finding Recovery and Empowerment from Abuse) and provides training for self-care techniques in her community as well as online.
office phone: 727-459-5045
Holly Timberlake, PhD.
Akron, OH
Holly Timberlake, Ph.D., DCEP, Licensed Psychologist and Diplomate in Energy Psychology. My goal is to help you (as someone committed to freeing yourself of the effects of early childhood, familial, societal or adult trauma, assault, neglect and abuse), grow into your much more full, alive and whole self, through methods highly effective in the resolution of trauma and its after-effects, including tapping (EFT), interactive guided imagery, EMDR & meditation, among more cognitive skills. I offer this within a holistic and natural (naturotherapeutic) framework that also includes EMDR, Gestalt, culturally sensitive, and spiritual-existential approaches to healing. We meet (in person or remotely) and create a very high level of emotional safety in which you can heal into more positivity, empowerment and freedom, transforming the emotional pain into post traumatic growth.
Founder, Nakaia Healing Arts
10 W. Streetsboro St., Suite 105
Hudson, Ohio 44236 (or it will be depending on when my new site gets done!)
Robin Trainor, MA
Cleveland, OH
Robin Trainor is a psychotherapist, ACEP member and founder of FREA. She has been treating people with sexual abuse issues for the past 30 years.
Jules Vandermaat is a highly trained Evidence Based EFT Practitioner & Trainer, a Trauma Therapist and qualified Social Worker, with 30 years of combined experience.
She specialises in working with people who have experienced sexual abuse and trauma and works from her office in Coffs Harbour Australia. She also offers sessions online. Get in touch via her website and request a free 15 minute consultation.
Or Facebook page Tapping with Jules.
Debby Vajda, LCSW, DCEP
Corvallis, Oregon
Debby Vajda is a licensed clinical social worker and Diplomate in Comprehensive Energy Psychology in private practice in Corvallis, Oregon. She has been a clinician for over thirty years and offers energy psychotherapy and counseling to adults and adolescents for anxiety, bipolar disorder, chronic pain, depression, medical problems, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), phobias, smoking cessation, stress, substance abuse, trauma resolution, allergies, and other problems.
(541) 602-6388
Dr. Ameet Aggarwal, Naturopathic Doctor and Psychotherapist.
Nairobi, Kenya.
Dr. Ameet has over 10 years experience treating physical, emotional and sexual abuse using energy psychology, EMDR and naturopathic medicine. He teaches his techniques around the world, has worked with victims of terrorist attacks and large organizations such as UNICEF, and created an online course for anxiety and depression that was even approved for continuing medical education.
Masha Bennett
Energy psychology (EFT), psychotherapy and creative therapies, working with adults, children and adolescents, face-to-face and online. UKCP registered psychotherapist, EMDR Europe accredited practitioner, AAMET practitioner and master trainer of EFT, teaching in the UK and internationally.
Issues treated: trauma, dissociation, anxiety, addictions, eating disorders.
Phone: +44 7887 617558
Skype ID: masha.bennett
Rena J Guttridge SRN
West Yorkshire, UK
ï‚· I use The 5 Awakenings Sequence; an energy healing treatment for adults and children that combines the body’s inbuilt energetic repair system with colour drawing to erase the hurts caused by emotional issues or fearful states. Safe, empowering and calming, the Sequence provides repair from any event that is impeding contentment, self-esteem and personal progress.
ï‚· My specialist area is childhood trauma, bullying, abuse and PTSD.
ï‚· Tel UK: 01422 825772
Christine Love B. Hons (Psych)
Kinesiology | Coaching | Energy Psychology
Cardiff, NSW, Australia
I specialise in treating people suffering from childhood abuse, victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence.
M: 0412483646
Martin F. Luthke, Ph.D., DCEP, Clinical Psychologist
Bavaria, Germany
Dr. Martin Luthke is a clinical psychologist with over three decades of experience. Formerly licensed in Ohio, he now practices in Bavaria, Germany with clients from many parts of the world via skype. He is the founder of the Institute of Psychoenergetic Healing and (co-) author of numerous books, including, BEYOND PSYCHOTHERAPY. He uses both chakra-based and meridian-based techniques to assist clients in healing themselves. This approach has proven successful in the healing of traumatic experiences from various forms of abuse, loss, crime, accidents, or medical experiences.
Website: or
E-mail: or
Jules Vandermaat is a highly trained Evidence Based EFT Practitioner & Trainer, a Trauma Therapist and qualified Social Worker, with 30 years of combined experience.
She specialises in working with people who have experienced sexual abuse and trauma and works from her office in Coffs Harbour Australia. She also offers sessions online. Get in touch via her website and request a free 15 minute consultation.
Or Facebook page Tapping with Jules.